Accreditation insight :

Accreditation is a voluntary process involving several steps. Once a health care organization's application is accepted, it conducts its own self-assessment using AACME International Accreditation Guidelines, Standards, and Policies. The next step is an on-site survey conducted by a highly trained AACME survey team experienced in both the clinical and administrative aspects of continuing medical education (CME).

When they have completed their survey, the team makes an accreditation recommendation, which is then reviewed by AACME's Accreditation Review Committee (ARC) and the Monitoring Committee (MC), who both collect review, and analyzes data including; investigating the organization’s previous and current activities, evaluating the academic and administrative planning of the organization’s medical education area, including;
- Purpose and Mission:

Why the organization is implementing Continuing Medical Education programs ?

- Current and Future Planning:

How the organization provides Continuing Medical Education activities and how will they are attaining their purpose in providing these activities? Accreditation may be awarded for a varied duration period depending on the organization’s score and overall evaluation during survey. The accreditation decision could be deferred or denied as well.
- Administrative area:

What the organizational support and formalities are for the Continuing Medical Education unit?
- Future Envision:

What are the organization’s future long and short term planning and for their Continuing Medical Education programs and activities.(Including possible planning for regionally and/or internationally sponsored CME activities).
The Accreditation Review Committee (ARC) then raises a recommendation to the Committee for Authentication and Recognition (CAR) according to the ARC’s results on the data collected, reviewed and analyzed.
The Committee for Authentication and Recognition then makes the final determination whether or not the organization is in compliance with the AACME International Standards & policies.